It is no secret that dogs love children. However, the feeling is not always mutual. Young children can often cause dogs accidentally, with the potentially dangerous or even deadly clashes. Most of these tragedies could be avoided if the dog, if the parents have time to information about potential risks associated with certain breeds. Although each race can be raised by loving companionship to his followers, the fact is that someRaces> are safer for children than others.
Although children is a fact that some breeds are more dangerous, the truth is that every dog can be a danger to a child. The reason for this rule has more to do with children than the dog. Young children often tease and harass the dogs from their stories or ears. In addition, children are often not aware of the limits and tend to be recognized this is a bad job, if a dog is anxious orangry.
That said, there are some races that should be specific concerns can be avoided if a child is safety. There are literally tens of thousands of dog breeds, and can be confusing to know which breeds are the biggest threat to a child. A useful rule is generally avoided Huskies big, strong and races such as hyper, Dalmatian and Boxer. Although these dogs are not going to harm your child, theirlarge, the strength and the tendency to irritability make them vulnerable to crashes in the rough stuff and potentially knock children over. breeds with aggressive temperament, such as Chow, Pinscher, Doberman and Rottweiler Pit Bull should be avoided as well. Although these dogs are often raised to accommodate the faithful, loving, can be particularly dangerous for children because of their strong territorial instinct and raw deadly force. These breeds have a surprisingly powerful jawsand the bite force may also be a well-trained animal a significant risk to a child who does not respect borders.
So if these breeds are usually the most dangerous for children, what are the safest on? Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever are a good choice for people with children because they are intelligent and good-natured in general. Not only are these dogs are usually quite docile, they are good for training and are relatively easy to train.Boxer, Shih Tzu, Pug, Border Terrier, English Bulldog, Norfolk terrier, beagle, cocker spaniel and poodle breeds are generally safe for children because of their small body size, non-threatening. These types of races are generally safe for children to play, even as an accidental or intentional bite usually requires nothing more than a patch or at worst a few points.
Although some dog breeds are a better fit for people with childrenIt 'important to remember that no dog is 100 percent. Parents should always monitor children when a dog is present. Even a good-natured, well-trained dog may react aggressively when he or she feels threatened or confused. Many people are often shocked when gently breaks into a normally aggressive dog after it was caused by a small child. If you have children and plan to adopt a puppy, you should be selective, in any case before, ifChoosing a race. But there is more to the equation of security as a right that teach children how to behave dispute with attentive service dogs can help you and your family are potentially dangerous situation to avoid.
Copyright © 2009, Ian White Pet
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