The Belgian Tervuren, known as the Chien de Berger Belge Tervuren, or is a large dog with him regarding the origins (as the name suggests), Belgium. The breed was registered in 1912 with the AKF again, but it was the first time in 1959 in the Belgian Tervuren, as they have the right. Tervuren shepherd stands for, it is also generally entitled to Belgian shepherd dog. This song is different for different clubs in America is defined as Tervuren, Canada, entitledPastor and other countries follow different standards. Before 2005, my views were well known as a sheepdog herding dogs, however, that there is not much difference in
The Belgian Tervuren is a nimble and very beautiful breed of dog with a long gray coat smooth more often in black or mahogany with black stripes. Small white spots in certain circumstances. They are on average 20-28 cm in length and weigh an average of 45to 80 pounds. You paid a lot, but most paid in the spring or autumn. The daily maintenance is during the launch time is longer than usual is required.
He moves with grace and enjoys running, have a large amount of stored energy and therefore requires a good dose of exercise a day to stay healthy. You can work as a dog show, and are very capable of learning quickly. They are intelligent and affectionate, and have good patience. However, they require much attention andActivities, mental and physical, as they easily get bored, if not enough time is spent with him will receive. As originally bred for their herding instincts remain for this, and they are probably nibbling and trying to circle or foreign guests, especially children, who move around a lot. However, it is not good with children is growing with it or get used to it. The Belgian Tervuren is also very careful and cautious, and make excellent guard dog.
The BelgianTervuren dog breed is not recommended to beginners because it takes time and a lot of training. You can also stubborn and rebellious, but make great companions for those who know how to deal with them. The average life span of this breed is 12 to 14 years. Some health problems include HD and elbow dysplasia, cataracts, thyroid problems and epilepsy. It 'also important that the parents of the Belgian Tervuren puppy both certificates have OFA and Cerf.
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